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Login To Post your PackageBartender Is an Opinionated Way to Authenticate Users Using Laravel Socialite
Your One-Stop Shop for Streamlined Social Authentication
NativePHP Windows Builds are Here
PHP goes native! Build Windows apps with your existing skills
SQLite Studio is a SQLite Database Explorer
The Single-File Shortcut to SQLite Mastery
Protect Routes with JWT Tokens Using This Package for Laravel
JWT authentication for Laravel made easy.
Use Vue or React Components in a Livewire App with MingleJS
Leverage Vue/React where it shines in your Laravel project.
Dash UI is a Laravel Blade Component Library Inspired by Shopify Polaris
Power your Laravel app's design with the ready-made components of Dash UI.
Manage Virtual Wallets in Laravel with Pay Pocket
Power up your Laravel app with virtual wallets.
Generate Facade Docs Automatically in Your Laravel App to see
Less, Code More: Autodoc-facades streamlines Laravel facade documentation.